Thursday, September 18, 2014

Facebook Page URL and My Plan

Here's the link to my Facebook page.

From little league to college, I've been playing football. Throughout my experience in football I believe I witness a lot of injures in the game of football. I think in the game you become fearless of what can happen because you never know how something may happen until it happens.

With that being said, my plan is to create a Facebook page that is very informative to athletes and their support system towards one of the biggest and scariest injuries in the game of football and that is concussions. I think this page will give people information that they will not normally see unless they go searching for the information. With the Facebook page the post will concise of videos, pictures, facts, and other interesting information that people would like to know on a daily. This will keep my audience aware of what concussions are and how they happen. This page will help a lot people because they can't prevent concussions from happening but they can be more careful so that concussions don't happen so much in football.

I will start off by telling all the football players on my team about the page and my friends on Facebook so that they're friends will get informed about the page that way the page will get a lot of likes because is going through a lot of people.

With my page I will get the most interesting information from videos, pictures, facts, and other stuff so it can grab my audience attention and they can stay in engaged on a regular. I will stay with concussion in football and as much of other sports because is one of the main sports that this injure happen in.

Mission Approach:
The Skull Cracker gives you informative information on concussion in football that has/had happen in college football and NFL. There will be links in posts to go and read the information about concussions that happen in the NFL from NFL players. This page will keep the audience aware of concussion as much as possible with important facts that being posted. I believe that this page can get a lot of peoples attention not only football players but also parents, friends, and people that is interested in the information that I provide about concussions. I will share photos in each post and a status about concussions. You will be getting a lot of information about concussions on The Skull Cracker page. Here we go!

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