Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Facebook AD

I will promote my page like this The Skull Cracker. I would shoot the promotion towards athletes and their support system that is interested in concussions. I would gather my audience by sports and then look at football players interested in concussions.The interests I would use is pictures, videos, and facts towards concussions that has/had happen in college football and the pros. With these interests hopefully athletes and their support system would like my page.

Facebook Analysis

The Skull Cracker was a Facebook page to inform athletes and their support system to go and learn and receive information dealing with athletes who has/had concussions. The page was also made to show people how concussion happen in football and take a look how to be more careful to try and prevent a concussion. I felt like my best results came from the videos/pictures I had from actually plays from my senior football season at Dixie State University. Also had good results from the information I presented from the NFL with Lawsuit towards concussions. Even had information about players who had concussions in the NFL and actually videos of players getting hit causing them to have a concussion. I remember from the moment I made the page I was kind of worried about how the page will succeed. The page started off slow but then it picked up and started catching my audience attention more with the informative information that was being presented on the page. I noticed that I was getting people attention from all over with the likes of the page from the comments/ likes on each post. The page started to have a regular audience where they would comment/like the post on a daily. I know for sure if I keep this page which I am I hope it can grow bigger and reach out to even more people than I reached out to from this semester. I like my progress from the page especially with me being a football player I look at the game differently when I see a big hit or a helmet to helmet hit in the game. This page will help a lot people in the future with other sports.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Contextual Analysis Final Draft- Ray Rice situation with his wife on the elevator

On February 15th, 2014 Balitmore Ravens running back Ray Rice has been arrested, charged and release on assault charges towards his fiancé. Ray Rice and his fiancé (Janay Palmer) were in Atlantic City having a good time suppose until things escalated to something more serious. As the cameras show at that Ray Rice and his fiancé were having a “minor physical altercation as they were walking to the elevator. But that’s what sources said Ray Rice’s attorney described they were having a “minor physical altercation”. About four to five days passed by and sources like TMZ revealed a video shot from the elevator inside and outside of what really happened between Ray Rice and Janay Palmer was Ray struck his fiancé in the face after she had spit on him and then punched her again knocking her unconscious. The video also showed that Ray Rice was dragging her off the elevator and kicking her as he tried to wake her up. Soon as this footage was out the Ravens organization waited to discuss anything about the situation until the league did first. One things sources said that Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti promises that rice “will definitely be back”. Roger Goodell addresses Rice situation and said the league is aware of the incident with Rice but he doesn’t know yet about the discipline part. March 27, 2014 Rice charges changed from simple assault to aggravated assault after the case was presented by prosecutors to a grand jury. Then sources like the Baltimore Sun on March 28th, 2014 say they were married and Ray Rice teammate Torrey Smith attended the wedding to show his support. May 1st, 2014 Rice rejects a plea deal, and applies for pretrial intervention program. Rice was accepted by that on May 21st, 2014. Two days later May 23rd, 2014 a press conference was held by Ravens Ray Rice and Janay Rice they both apologized for the situation they were both in. June 16th, 2014 Rice has his discipline hearing with Roger Goodell, Ravens team president Dick Cass, NFL lead counsel Jeff Pash and NFL VP for labor relations Adolpho Birch. Also in the room was Ray Rice wife Janay Rice. In meeting room sources spoke, Peter King on July 25th said Janay Rice told Roger Goodell that this was one time-event and nothing physical had happen in their relationship before or since. Source said that she urged Goodell, to not ruin Rice’s image and career with his sanctions. Later on the NFL spoke out and said they did not see the full video of the incident and there conflicting reports on what Rice told them. Interesting thing came up in an interview with CBS after second tape was released, Roger Goodell said that rice was ‘ambiguous” in recounting the situation on the hotel elevator. July 24th, 2014 Ray Rice was suspended 2 games by NFL. Only two games was this the right way to handle this situation with Rice? I believe this was just a cover up to not let the public know what was were talking about when they all had a meeting. A lot of these question came up from people in the public. Then on July 29th, 2014 Peter King reports that the NFL did see the full video of the incident and on August 28th, 2014 the NFL admits missteps, announces new domestic violence policy. Roger Goodell admitted that he “didn’t get it right” when he handed Rice a two-game suspension. September 8th. 2014 video surfaces of Rice punching wife in the face. Rice and the NFL took a heavy criticism in the weeks following the announcement of his two game suspension. Source like TMZ received the video of Rice punching his wife in the face inside the elevator and published it. The league mentioned that Rice punishment could be more serious after the league changed the domestic violence policy. According to ESPN’s Chris Mortensen, the NFL requested the tape from law enforcement during its investigation, but was denied. The Ravens also mention that they didn't see the footage until TMZ released it. September 8th, 2014 Ray Rice was released by the Baltimore Ravens this was the same day TMZ released video and Ravens terminated the running backs contract. According to Dan Wetzel of Yahoo sports, the decision was made because Rice had allegedly been dishonest with the team about the situation. Also on September 8th, 2014 Rice was suspended indefinitely by NFL. This is very shocking to public, friends, family, teammates, the league, and especially to Baltimore Ravens Fans because there running back they cheer for every Sunday has been suspended indefinitely due to his physical actions towards his wife in the elevator.

This is sad because the emotions that some people may be going through seeing his wife get punched, dragged, and kick that’s terrible to see a female get treated like that let alone your fiancé at the time but now your wife. People can’t believe it, I know some spoke about it and said they can’t watch the video because it hurts their stomach to see a woman go through something like that. I know for myself I felt a certain way towards it because I’m African-American and football player in college and people may talk or look at me different because they see what African-American NFL player has done to his wife through media. I also felt a way because you shouldn’t treat a female like that his actions was uncalled for. Should never put your hands on a women that’s not the way you solve things. I saw information on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter where they had a picture of Ray Rice animated, him hitting his wife in the elevator and it wrote “another black man strikes his girl”. That’s crushed me to see the stupidity that people do to get attention. They basically making a joke out of it. I cannot imagine how Ray Rice and his wife may be feeling on seeing how social media used them as a joke. I know women in general may be having a tough time and feeling a certain about this, women should never be treated that way.

Social Roles:
Looking at the social roles of this situation is tough especially for myself being a black athlete I just try to be myself and don’t get caught up in wrong situations with a women. In college you see females all the time at parties, school, and sport games. I just be myself and get my education and try not to worry about other things. Looking at social media on this situation people gave shout out wishing the best to Ray Rice and his family, they also reached out to him on keeping his head up, and another was putting his picture up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sites talking bad about him bashing him in any way to make him feel bad. But his close friends, fans, teammates wish the best for him and hopefully he can bounce back. It’s crazy how most of the Sports talk shows talked about the Ray Rice situation for instance ESPN First Take Stephen A Smith and Skip Bayless both voice their opinions towards this speaking that he messed up big time and hope he and his family get through this but also don’t let social media make you go crazy with the negativity their going to put out about you. Stay focus and keep grinding. That’s basically what they were speaking on with Ray Rice situation. A lot of social media sources did not have the truth with the situation besides TMZ but it’s shocking to see how people just give out information, so that other people can believe and run with it because social media just feeds people whatever they think is true and people will run with it and blow it up even more.

I know for me being from African American culture and seeing how social media made black football players look by trying to ruin Ray Rice by the stuff they wrote and pictures they put up. It’s hard to walk around because you can feel the vibe that give off by looking at you. Some people would never know how that feels unless you were walking in my shoes or football culture as an African American. The media don’t care they will put out anything they want to make a person look terrible because at the end of the day it’s not them. So, the different cultures for situation would be football players, women, and black females/males. They would be the one who would feel some way about how media portrays this situation.
