Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Education Video: How I want to Learn?

The video that was shown in class on Monday was very interesting it grabbed my attention from the moment it started and it keep grabbing my attention more and more as it got into depth explaining about how technology change the way we learn. I feel that the video was catchy but I think I like the way I learn but other may not like it. I feel that text books are a waste of money because you can find everything you need from a textbook with the technology they have and we can ask around for help, there's different ways people can learn and understand things in this world. To answer the question How I want to learn? Well, for me I want to keep learning the way I am learning thats by hands on, visual ad, and one on one with the teacher because it got me this far in school which I'm about to graduate with bachelor degree in Human Communication and then after that go for my master's degree. School never been a problem for me and my grades were always good but I think from high school about my sophomore year I changed the way I looked at school and learned to engage myself in school more to strive for greatness in everything I do. I started to show the teachers how much I appreciated school by getting better grades like all A's and keeping my self out of trouble. But overall I showed them that I cared to learn more and they also cared to help me succeed in school. That's whats interesting about teachers and professors in school if you have a teacher/professor who cares a lot for their students and care about their students learning and succeeding in their education things will be much easier for students these days.

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